From 1860 to the present day, the family has forged a unique identity rooted in a distinctive land where passion and discretion are words to live by. Alexandre Lhéraud, who settled in the Petite Champagne region to serve the local chatelain, or château keeper, was the first to plant vines in his garden. Victor, Jean, Pierre, Eugène, Rémy and Guy followed in his footsteps. These men of fine temperament and steadfast work ethic expanded the estate and honed their method,
Guy Lhéraud
An ancestral bond with the Charente region
From 1860 to the present day, the family has forged a unique identity rooted in a distinctive land where passion and discretion are words to live by. Alexandre Lhéraud, who settled in the Petite Champagne region to serve the local chatelain, or château keeper, was the first to plant vines in his garden. Victor, Jean, Pierre, Eugène, Rémy and Guy followed in his footsteps. These men of fine temperament and steadfast work ethic expanded the estate and honed their method, passing down their memory of the land and the care they put into their product. That is what imbues Lhéraud cognac with its singular style, which harnesses the past to shine in the present.
Our ancestors have bestowed us with the techniques to produce a pure, honest spirit with character, which slowly reveals its full power.
Guy Lhéraud